Taking Leave


Kita menggunakan taking leave untuk mengucapkan salam perpisahan satu sama lain saat hendak mengakhiri suatu percakapan ataupun aktifitas. Ungkapan taking leave juga bisa digunakan ketika kita berpisah pada malam hari dan ketika kita akan pergi tidur pada malam hari. Berikut ungkapan taking leave beserta tanggapannya.


Taking Leave


Good bye./bye./bye-bye.


See you later.

See you.

See you tomorrow.

See you.

Good night.

Good night.

So long.

See you.

Take care.

You too.

Take care of yourself.

Thanks, bye.

Sorry, I have to go now.

O.K. Let’s keep in touch.

Sorry, I need to go now.

O.K. Take care.

Sorry, I think I should go now.

It’s nice to see you.

Sorry, I think I must go now.

It’s nice to talk to you.


Contoh Percakapan: 

1.     Randy                    : Goodbye, Mom

Mrs. Indah             : Bye, dear. Always do your best

Randy                    : I will, Mom.

2.     Rita                       : See you, Grandpa. I’ll come again next weekend.

Mr. Agus               : See you. Please take care on the way home

Rita                       : I will, Grandpa.

3.     Yuli                       : Sorry, I have to go now. My father needs my help. Bye

Hana                      : All right. Bye. Take care.
